twist and shout

Because I just never shut up

When the walls come tumbling down January 20, 2010

Filed under: life — kathy @ 11:54 am

Okay, it’s really just the windows. But I must say that with the wild wind and rain, it seems like the walls are dow. IMHO, these guys are brave and stalwart to be handling glass and electric powertools in the wind and rain. 

I mean, there are whitecaps in the pool, for heaven’s sake.

Day one of the big demo has been pushed back to Monday. Boo hoo. I was really geared up to go on that. On the other hand, there’s still plenty to keep me busy in here. Time to go pack up the linen closet. Yikes. What would I do without big black garbage bags?

Where did all this junk come from?!

Well, when I’m done with that, I think I’ll knit. Yeah!

I’d like to leave you with a little joke told by the 7th grader in the carpool this morning (who also pointed out (with annoyance) that if we lived in Chicago and were having all this precep, we’d be having a snow day.): How do I know it’s raining cats and dogs outside? Well, I just stepped in a poodle. 🙂


One Response to “When the walls come tumbling down”

  1. Meg Says:

    I LOVE the sweet little joke! I’m passing that one along. It’s funny — in Chicago, we always say, “If all this snow was water, we’d be flooded!” Wait, somehow that doesn’t sound nearly as charming. 🙂


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